Hello Everyone! 

This is TTSMG Electronics, today we are going to be learning how to program and use the ESP 32 Development board.
(ESP 32 WROOM 32 DEV KIT V1 which is the same as the ESP 32 Dev board but with the addition of Bluetooth capability). 
(NOTE: Check the pinout of your board while making the hardware connections)

ESP 32 has an inbuilt wireless capability which includes both Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) and Bluetooth (4.2 with BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) capability).

These features make the ESP32 alluring for IoT projects.

Using Arduino IDE, we can program the ESP32 board by following certain steps.

1) Go to File> Preferences

2) Paste the following link into the additional board's manager link space: 
If more than one link is to be included in the additional board's manager space, then separate them using commas (,).

 3) Go to Tools> Board> Boards Manager

4) Search for esp32 and install esp32 by Espressif Systems. It is a 32 kB file so it won't take long.

Done, now you can start programming your ESP 32 development board like your Arduino!

Testing the onboard Touch Sensor:

1) Open the Examples tab, go to Examples for ESP 32 Dev module > ESP 32 > Touch > Touch Read

This example checks the reading from the onboard touch sensor at pin D4 and prints it to the serial monitor.

2) Before you upload the program to your ESP 32 Dev board check if you have selected the correct COM port for the ESP 32 by detaching and reattaching the USB cable of the ESP board.

3) Do not change any of the settings in the Tools tab and upload the code. Set the serial monitor which is accessed by the button in the top right of the Arduino IDE to 115200 baud as ESP operates at that baud rate else only 

Now we will test the WiFi capability of the device by using the WiFi example library to scan for available Access Points.

Go to WiFi > WiFi Scan and upload the sketch on the ESP development board.

Once uploaded, open the serial monitor, it will display all of the visible Access points (SSIDs).

Some ESP boards also have inbuilt Bluetooth and can be controlled using its interface.

This concludes the basic ESP 32 tutorial

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