Full Desktop Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel (Office 2013) run smoothly On Ubuntu, Pop OS, and Elementary OS (Linux Distro's). This article cover's the step-by-step installation guide with a video demo of office 2013 running on Pop OS and Elementary OS. The installation steps will be similar for any ubuntu-based distribution and use a combination of Wine (back-end) and PlayOnLinux (front-end).
1. Install Wine.
2. Install Play On Linux and Lutris
(If you get any version error during Office 2013 setup on PlayOnLinux then just download the latest .deb file from here and update - Download)
Lutris (Optional) (Not Required)
3. Install Dependencies (May vary from distribution to distribution. Just add if anything missing for your distro.)
4. Download MS-OFFICE 2013 (Secure Encrypted Download From The Tech Show Downloads)
5. Launch Play On Linux > Install > Office > Search (Office) > Select Microsoft Office 2016 > Install. Continue hitting OK and Next.
6. Choose Installation Media > Use a setup file in my computer > Browse and Select setup.exe
Continue hitting OK and Next.
7. Click INSTALL for missing packages. Wine mono installer will automatically download and configure it for you.
8. Microsoft Office Professional Plus Installer should begin. Agree to terms and hit Install Now.
CONGRATULATIONS. You are Ready To Rock :)
Now you can directly launch your favorite office application and edit documents like a PRO.
Read More Such "Linux" Tips and Tricks
1. Install Wine.
wget -nc https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
sudo apt install wine-stable
2. Install Play On Linux and Lutris
wget -q "http://deb.playonlinux.com/public.gpg" -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget http://deb.playonlinux.com/playonlinux_cosmic.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get install playonlinux
(If you get any version error during Office 2013 setup on PlayOnLinux then just download the latest .deb file from here and update - Download)
Lutris (Optional) (Not Required)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris
sudo apt-get install lutris
3. Install Dependencies (May vary from distribution to distribution. Just add if anything missing for your distro.)
sudo apt-get install winbind winetricks
4. Download MS-OFFICE 2013 (Secure Encrypted Download From The Tech Show Downloads)
5. Launch Play On Linux > Install > Office > Search (Office) > Select Microsoft Office 2016 > Install. Continue hitting OK and Next.
6. Choose Installation Media > Use a setup file in my computer > Browse and Select setup.exe
Continue hitting OK and Next.
7. Click INSTALL for missing packages. Wine mono installer will automatically download and configure it for you.
8. Microsoft Office Professional Plus Installer should begin. Agree to terms and hit Install Now.
CONGRATULATIONS. You are Ready To Rock :)
Now you can directly launch your favorite office application and edit documents like a PRO.
Read More Such "Linux" Tips and Tricks
I think this post is a little bit old as I am getting deprecated for every single line I write.
ردحذفI hope you can update and tell us how it is possible to install Office on Kali Linux if possible.
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