Let's build a Movie Success Rating prediction and prescription app with BigQuery SQL queries and Vertex AI PaLM API. The model used to generate text is text-bison and is hosted as a remote function in BigQuery. This is an edited recording of the Build with AI Session, Mumbai on April 20, 2024.
CodeLab - https://codelabs.developers.google.com/generative-insights-sqlonly#0
Presentation - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1R9VNETNlbMWiCRQCrupQGxQHGvGIRyuRqSD-DRxymbg/edit?usp=sharing
Register for the latest online sessions - https://codevipassana.dev/
All Links - https://bit.ly/3UkWWAV
#BuildWithAI #GoogleForDevelopers #googlecloud
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