Xiaomi launched Mi TV 4 in India last week. This was the product that Mi Fans were waiting for a long time. They announced a 55-inch model and Jai Mani (Lead Product Manager) said that according to the Mi fan's demands they will bring 32 and 40-inch television soon. The Mi LED Smart TV comes with 55 inches 4K HDR frameless Samsung panel with just 4.9mm ultra-thin dimension. The outstanding features include Patch Wall (Android 6.0 based custom OS), 4K Display with Dolby Atmos + DTS, Bluetooth Remote, And Exclusive Price of 39,999 which is a deal-breaker.

First, look at the Mi TV 4 will leave you in awe of it, you won't believe that a TV can also be nearly bezel-less and that too at a price point of Rs 39,999. The Mi TV 4 boasts of a frameless design and the top of this TV's panel is just 4.9mm thin. That's like paper-thin in TV territory. As soon as you turn it on, the TV's patch wall designed UI greets you and makes you feel at home. It's as simple to operate as your smartphone. The icons on display are big and will guide you to choose the right option that you would love to watch. The 55-inch panel is also capable of delivering a 4K HDR cinematic experience and watching Wonderwoman on it again was as good as watching it in the theatre all over again. Choosing titles is also very easy and intuitive on the Xiaomi Mi TV 4 and the Amlogic 64-bit Quad-core processor powering it does the job really well.

The Mi TV 4 also comes with 2GB RAM and 8GB of inbuilt storage (Wait till we tell you why you need it). For connectivity, the Mi TV 4 comes with 3 HDMI ports for your DTH box, a PlayStation, and even your laptop if need be. There are also two USB ports on the Mi Tv 4 and the wireless connectivity is one of the best that we have seen on budget TV in India. What's more is that the Mi Tv 4 will provide you over 5 lakh hours of content and if you are the one to buy it in the first three months, you'll get a free subscription to Hungama and SonyLIV. Xiaomi is also including the IR blaster adapter for early buyers that also help the Xiaomi Mi TV 4 to connect with your Set-Top Box and help you use only one remote for your convenience. There is also a universal search on the MI TV 4 that helps you find content across all online as well as on your STB.

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In terms of launch offers, buyers of the Xiaomi Mi LED TV 4 get free 3-month subscriptions (worth Rs. 619) to Sony Liv and Hungama Play, the Mi IR cable (worth Rs. 299), and on-site installation worth Rs. 1,099 for free. Also to note, the 11-button Mi Remote that's bundled with the TV can be used to control a set-top box apart from the television itself, using the Mi IR cable priced at Rs. 299.
n terms of connectivity, the Xiaomi Mi TV 4 includes three HDMI 2.0 ports, two USB (one USB 3.0 and one USB 2.0) ports, an Ethernet port, a S/PDIF port, dual-band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) Wi-Fi 802.11ac, and Bluetooth 4.0.

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Xiaomi promises more than 500,000 hours of content, of which 80 percent will be free. The content will be available in 15 Indic languages will be available. Content partners include Hotstar, Voot, Voot Kids, Sony Liv, Hungama Play, Zee5, Sun NXT, ALT Balaji, Viu, TVF, and Flickstree.


Xiaomi Is Keeping Their Promise Of "Innovation For Everyone". Mi LED TV 4 Is An Outstanding Television From Xiaomi. At least In India Its Game Changer With Exclusive Digital Content For India With The Trust Of  Mi. If You Are Looking For Smart 4K Tv Then Mi TV at 39,999 Is No Brainer. 

Buy From Mi.com (Sale Starts Tomorrow 22 Feb 2018)

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